
Natural Science
1st graders 24-25
Unit4: growing up

Unit3: Be healthy

Unit 2

Unit 1

4th graders 23-24

Review Test
  • Definition of machines
  • Identify types of simple machines
  • Define and identify complex machines
  • Identify simple machines that are in a complex machine. Ex. sccissors are made up of 2 wedges and 2 levers.
  • Vocabulary: types of simple machines, fulcrum, wheelbarrow, slide, fridge, knife, mop, oven, lift, stick, screwdriver, bar, surface, rope, chain,

Review Test
  • Write what can forces make when applied to an object
  • Difference between contact and non contact forces
  • Define gravity and what  it depends on
  • Difference between pulling and pushing forces
  • To explain how magnets repel or attract each other
  • Most Important facts about Isaac Newton 

Review Test
  • Difference between heat and temperature
  • Identify natural and artificial sources of heat
  • Name the 3 states of matter 
  • Name and explain the changes of matter
  • Difference between chemical change ( irreversible) and reversible change
  • Identify melting points of sustances
  • What are insulators and conductors materials?
  • chemical change vs reversible change
  • changes of matter
  • names change of matter
UNIT 2: Rocks and relief
Review Test
  • Name and identify landforms
  • Define landforms: It´s a high elevation of land
  • How to read  a relief map: the key of a map with colours or contour lines
  • Fill information about rocks in a chart
  • Name 



    Human uses

  • Difference between minerals and rocks
  • Names and types of rocks and minerals
    relief activity 1
  • Landforms definitions
  • landforms definitions 2

  • Classify living things and animals
  • What is an ecosystem?
  • Name different types of ecosystems
  • Write a food chain in an ecosystem
  • Differences between biotic and abiotic factors
  • Choose and ecosystem and describe/draw it

3rd grade


What do we need nutrients for?

Healthy meal

Unit 3: OUR BODY
Parts and functions of the:
- digestive
- respiratory
- circulatory
Review worksheet

Answer these questions in your Natural Science notebook
1. What is photosynthesis? ( book page 28)
2. What are these parts of the plant for? 
( book page 28)
3. What are deciduous and evergreen plants?
4. What are angiosperms and gymnosperms?


the 5 kingdoms
animal kingdom

groups of invertebrates

4th grade


Unit review
1. Write how do plants make food, use a diagram ( picture )to explain the process
First the plant absorbs............
2. What is the difference between photosynthesis and respiration?
3. Why are plants important for life?
4. What is the difference between angyosperm and gymnosperm plants?
5. Plants need m_______ and f____________ organs for sexual reproduction
6. What is asexual reproduction in a plant?
7. Name the types of asexual reproduction in a plant.
8. Draw a flower and label the following parts of the reproductive system

Stigma    Ovary   ovules   anther     filament     style    

Vocabulary. Find the meaning of these words in the book
Raw sap- is a mixture of______ and_________
Elaborated sap is the plant´s______
Chlorophyll is a green substance that _________ the sunglight.
Stomata are tiny openings in the __________ where gas exchange is produced.
Phloem vessels are tubes where _____________ travels aliong the plant.
Xylem vessels are tubes where ______________ travels from the stem to the leaves 
Germination- when the seeds reach the ground a new_______ growsa
Fertilisation- when the _______and a grain of pollen meet in the ovary pf the plant.
Pollination - when the pollen travels from the ________ of one flower to the _______ of another or the same flower.

Explain how do plants make their food. Use a diagram ( picture to explain this process)

How do plants make their food?

How do angiosperms plants reproduce?

Asexual reproduction in plants

Unit 3 review
Use the blog activities and the book to find information and do the review
- Write the 5 groups of vertebrates and an animal in each group.
- Write the names of the groups of invertebrates and main characteristics of each group.
- How do amphibians breath? Explain
- What do mammals, birds and reptiles use to breath?
- Classify animals depending on:
What they eat- there are 5 groups

How they are born- there are 3 groups
You can use these worksheet to check the names of the groups

Animals UNIT 3

Introduction to animals 

Animal reproduction

Animals breathing

Invertebrates classification and characteristics

cuestionary invertebrates 

Animal presentation

Choose an animal and make a poster about your animal to present to your classmates ( debes utilizar folios para poder juntar vuestros trabajos en una libro común sobre animales)

1. The Animal's Name

2. Classification: Is it a mammal, fish,reptile, amphibian, bird, invertebrate,  vertébrate, viviparous, oviparous, carnivore, omnivore, herbivore……..

3. What does your animal look like? How big is it? What shape is its body? What does an average one weigh? Does it have horns, antlers, fur, crests or claws? Describe the teeth, head, neck, tail, etc. How many legs does it have? Are its legs long or short? How many eyes and how many body parts does it have?

Draw a picture if you can or use a printed image.

4.  How does your animal move (does it walk, fly, jump, etc.)? Is it slow-moving or fast-moving? Why is this important to its survival? For example, most fast-moving animals are fast so that they can catch dinner (like the cheetah) or avoid becoming dinner (like the deer).

5.  What does your animal eat and how does it get its food? Is it an herbivore (plant eater), carnivore (animal eater), omnivore (eating other animals and plants), or something else? Is there something unusual in the way your animal eats? (For example, the flamingo sieves its food from mud while its head is upside down under the water.) Where is your animal in the food web (is it a top predator, like the grizzly bear, is it at the base of the food web, like krill, or is it somewhere in the middle)?

6. What type of biome does this animal prefer (does it live in the desert, swamp, tundra, deep sea, coral reef, tropical rainforest, pond, or other habitat)? Where in the world does it live? List the continent(s), country/countries, and/or smaller areas that it lives in.

7. What are the  adaptations of your animal to its environment? For example, the giraffe's neck is an adaptation for obtaining leaves that are high off the ground. It also has tough lips to avoid thorns on its main food source.

8. Life Cycle/Reproduction: Give information on the animal's life cycle and reproduction. For example, in the case of insects, list and describe each stage in the process of their metamorphosis. For a species of shark, describe whether it bears live young or lays eggs.

9. Behavior: Describe interesting features of your animal's behavior. For example: Does it hibernate,  or migrate in cold weather? Is it nocturnal (most active at night)?

10. Defense/Offense: How does it defend itself (and/or attack other animals)? Does it use teeth, fangs, claws, armor, horns, antlers, pincers, poison, a stinger, muscles, a strong smell, and/or something else?

11. Enemies: What animals eat or otherwise kill your animal? For example, for caterpillars, birds eat caterpillars.

12. Is this animal species in danger of extinction? If so, why? Has it lost habitat, lost a food source?

13. Something Special: Is there anything special about this animal? This can often be the best part of the report. For example, are there legends about the animal?

Human reproduction Unit 2
Unit review
1. Read page 24, 25, 26 and 31
2. Draw and label the female and male reproductive system
3. Write the function of the following parts of the reproductiva system
- Which part of the female reproductive system connects the uterus to the exterior?
- Where are women´s eggs ( ovum) produced?
- Where is sperm produced?
- Which is the external part of the male reproductive system?
- Human beings are oviparous or viviparous
- Where does the baby develop?
- What is gestation?
- How long does gestation last?
- What is the first organ to be developed in the uterus?
- What is the last organ to be developed in the uterus?
- Where does the baby get nutrients and oxygen from?

4. Do the worksheets and games to get a 10!



When you watch this video
Which is the first organ to develop?
Does a foetus have legs and arms in the first weeks of gestation?
Do you think the baby can see in the first weeks?

Test review unit 1

1.      1.  Read UNIT 1: LIFE PROCESSES

2.   2.  Watch the videos in our blog:

-          The circulatory system

-          The respiratory system

3.  3.    Draw this parts of the  circulatory system ( they are in your book)


Arterie         capillaries          heart              vein



4.     4.   Draw and label the parts of the respiratory system


Air sacs     nose    mouth     lungs     trachea      bronchi      bronchioles



5.    5.    Copy and answer the questions in your notebook

-          What are the three types of blood vessels?

-          What type of blood vessels carry nutrients and oxygen?

-          What type of vessels carry waste products?

-          What does blood transport to every part of our body?

-          What is the function of the heart?

-          Where does blood take nutrients from?

-          Where does blood take oxygen from?

-          What are the two stages of respiration?

-          What gas do we need t olive?

-          What gas do we breathe out?

-          What is gas exchange?

-          What part of the body contracts and decends when we breath in?

-          Write four ways to keep our circulatory and respiratory system healthy

6. Vocabulary- make  sentences  with the words

-          Artery

-          Vein

-          Capillary

-          Blood vessels

-          Circulatory system

-          Deoxygenated blood- oxygenated blood

-          Diaphragm

-          Exhalation

-          Inhalation

-          Gas Exchange

-          Heart

-          Lungs

-          Respiration

-          Small intestine


- Here are some activities on line to practice ( ejercicios para practicar on line sobre este unidad)

Circulatory system

Respiratory system

Parts of the respiratory system

Comenzamos un nuevo, curso 4º de primaria. Aquí encontrarás materiales para trabajar en casa y en el colegio.
La primera unidad trata sobre " LIFE PROCESSSES", es decir, que trabajos realiza nuestro cuerpo para mantenerse con vida. Aquí dejo varios vídeos explicativos.


When we breath we take........ and we realese.............
Name 4 parts of the respiratory system.
How does the respiratory system work?

Este trimestre nos toca trabajar con MATERIALS 

What materials would you use to make these objects?
- Raincoat
- Warm jumper
- House
- Toys
- Water bottle 

Nos toca aprender algo de plantas, para que podáis practicar sobre lo que trabajamos os dejo unos cuantas actividades interactivas, y vídeos explicativos:

En este vídeo vemos una introducción general al reino vegetal ( las plantas)

Para conocer las partes de la planta y para que sirve cada una:

Las partes de la planta y lo que necesitan para vivirciclo de la plantas
Un mindmap para resolver con ayuda

Comenzamos el tema de los animales. 

En este vídeo podrás descubrir alguna curiosidad sobre animales:

Aquí tenéis unas fichas interactivas de repaso para las vacaciones, espero que os gusten:

Este vídeo presenta los grupos de comidas que hemos trabajado en clase y lo que nos aportan.

En este link puedes seleccionar las comidas que se deben tomar todos los días ( always) o de vez en cuando ( sometimes) si quieres tener A HEALTHY DIET.

En este vídeo podéis repasar las partes del cuerpo: cómo se escriben y se pronuncian. ¿Te acuerdas de la diferencia entre joints, muscles and bones?

En esta dirección hay unos juegos para practicar los nombres de los BONES AND JOINTS

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